You can search for free Wi-Fi hotspots all over Japan.
Please contact the administration office if the map shown in the above website is incorrect.
Spot Details | Prefecture / Category |
![]() (25LAS BICYCLE WORKS) Tokyo Meguro-ku Nakameguro 3-chome 5-30 Nomurahaitsu first floor [MAP] (目黒区中目黒3丁目5-30 ノムラハイツ1階) Locations: SSID:0000FLETS-PORTAL Times:Available for up to 15 mins. each time, 2 times per day. Procedures:Please use Japan connected-free Wi-Fi app provided by NTT-BP. (INFO) http://www.ntt-bp.net/jcfw/en.html Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Etc. |
Tokyo / Etc. |
![]() (ニック写真スタジオ) [MAP] (福岡市南区井尻4丁目20-1YMコーポ103号) Locations: SSID:DoSPOT-FREE Times:60minutes(15min×4times) Procedures:Procedures2ways to access;(1)Select "DoSPOT-FREE" from available Wi-Fi network on your device. Check the Terms and Conditions.Enter your e-mail address, and click Connect. or(2) to download the app (http://www.ntt-bp.net/jcfw/en.html) Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Fukuoka / Etc. |
![]() (2Bレーシング) Tokyo Hinoshi Minamidaira 8chome 14-141 floor [MAP] (日野市南平8丁目14-14 1階) Locations: SSID:0000FLETS-PORTAL Times:Available for up to 15 mins. each time, 2 times per day. Procedures:Please use Japan connected-free Wi-Fi app provided by NTT-BP. (INFO) http://www.ntt-bp.net/jcfw/en.html Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Etc. |
Tokyo / Etc. |
![]() (2nd cafe) Kanagawa Pref. Yokohamashi Aoba-ku Tsutsujigaoka 23-19 [MAP] (横浜市青葉区つつじが丘23-19) Locations: SSID:0000FLETS-PORTAL Times:Available for up to 15 mins. each time, 2 times per day. Procedures:Please use Japan connected-free Wi-Fi app provided by NTT-BP. (INFO) http://www.ntt-bp.net/jcfw/en.html Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Etc. |
Kanagawa / Etc. |
![]() (3丁目のさとう) Tokyo Kokubunjishi Minamicho 3chome First floor 18-11 Brew yen [MAP] (国分寺市南町3丁目18‐11 ブリューエン1階) Locations: SSID:0000FLETS-PORTAL Times:Available for up to 15 mins. each time, 2 times per day. Procedures:Please use Japan connected-free Wi-Fi app provided by NTT-BP. (INFO) http://www.ntt-bp.net/jcfw/en.html Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Etc. |
Tokyo / Etc. |
![]() (3コインズ 京都寺町店) Kyoto-fu Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto-shi 521 Nishisanbohorikawacho [MAP] (京都市中京区寺町通六角下る式部町250) Locations: SSID:KYOTO Wi-Fi Times:24hours / session , Unlimited Procedures:Please use Japan connected-free Wi-Fi app provided by NTT-BP. (INFO) http://www.ntt-bp.net/jcfw/en.html Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Etc. |
Kyoto / Etc. |
![]() (株式会社スリーピース) Nigata Pref. Nigatashi Chuou-ku Meikekita 1-chome 6-6 [MAP] (新潟市中央区女池北1丁目6-6) Locations: SSID:0000FLETS-PORTAL Times:Available for up to 15 mins. each time, 2 times per day. Procedures:Please use Japan connected-free Wi-Fi app provided by NTT-BP. (INFO) http://www.ntt-bp.net/jcfw/en.html Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Etc. |
Niigata / Etc. |
![]() (3peace) Fukushima Pref. Iwakishi Onahamarinjou Tsukamae 120-3 [MAP] (いわき市小名浜林城字塚前120-3) Locations: SSID:0000FLETS-PORTAL Times:Available for up to 15 mins. each time, 2 times per day. Procedures:Please use Japan connected-free Wi-Fi app provided by NTT-BP. (INFO) http://www.ntt-bp.net/jcfw/en.html Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Etc. |
Fukushima / Etc. |
![]() (3Ring) Hokkaido Otarushi Sakaimachi [MAP] (小樽市堺町4-8 <當間重盛>) Locations: SSID:0000FLETS-PORTAL Times:Available for up to 15 mins. each time, 2 times per day. Procedures:Please use Japan connected-free Wi-Fi app provided by NTT-BP. (INFO) http://www.ntt-bp.net/jcfw/en.html Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Etc. |
Hokkaido / Etc. |
![]() (スリーシステム) Hokkaido Sapporoshi Kita-ku Kitajunijounishi 4-chome Three system building [MAP] (札幌市北区北十二条西4丁目 スリーシステムビル) Locations: SSID:0000FLETS-PORTAL Times:Available for up to 15 mins. each time, 2 times per day. Procedures:Please use Japan connected-free Wi-Fi app provided by NTT-BP. (INFO) http://www.ntt-bp.net/jcfw/en.html Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Etc. |
Hokkaido / Etc. |
![]() (三丁目の手打うどん) Saitama Sayama Shi Mizuno1266-49 [MAP] (狭山市大字水野1266-49) Locations: SSID:0000FLETS-PORTAL Times:Available for up to 15 mins. each time, 2 times per day. Procedures:Please use Japan connected-free Wi-Fi app provided by NTT-BP. (INFO) http://www.ntt-bp.net/jcfw/en.html Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Etc. |
Saitama / Etc. |
![]() (3丁目整骨院) Miyagi Pref. Natorishi Masuda 3chome 2-4 [MAP] (名取市増田3丁目2-4) Locations: SSID:0000FLETS-PORTAL Times:Available for up to 15 mins. each time, 2 times per day. Procedures:Please use Japan connected-free Wi-Fi app provided by NTT-BP. (INFO) http://www.ntt-bp.net/jcfw/en.html Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Etc. |
Miyagi / Etc. |
![]() (300円楽楽屋) Tokyo Itabashiku Nakajuku 41‐10 Shimizubiru Chika1kai [MAP] (板橋区仲宿41-10 清水ビル地下1階) Locations: SSID:0000FLETS-PORTAL Times:Available for up to 15 mins. each time, 2 times per day. Procedures:Please use Japan connected-free Wi-Fi app provided by NTT-BP. (INFO) http://www.ntt-bp.net/jcfw/en.html Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Etc. |
Tokyo / Etc. |
![]() (サーティワン・アイスクリーム) Saitama Kumagaya-Shi Ginza2-245 kumagaya NITTOH MALL 1F [MAP] (熊谷市銀座2丁目245 熊谷ニットーモール1F) Locations: SSID:0000FLETS-PORTAL Times:Available for up to 15 mins. each time, 2 times per day. Procedures:Please use Japan connected-free Wi-Fi app provided by NTT-BP. (INFO) http://www.ntt-bp.net/jcfw/en.html Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Etc. |
Saitama / Etc. |
![]() (サーティーワン アイスクリーム イオンタウン長野三輪店) Nagano Pref. Naganoshi Miwa 9-chome 43-24 ion Town Nagano three-wheel 1T-4106 [MAP] (長野市三輪9丁目43-24 イオンタウン長野三輪1T-4106) Locations: SSID:0000FLETS-PORTAL Times:Available for up to 15 mins. each time, 2 times per day. Procedures:Please use Japan connected-free Wi-Fi app provided by NTT-BP. (INFO) http://www.ntt-bp.net/jcfw/en.html Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Etc. |
Nagano / Etc. |
![]() (サーティーワンアイスクリーム エルミこうのすショッピングモール店) Saitama Pref. Kounosushi Honchou 1-chome 1-2 ELMI Kounosu shopping mall 1F [MAP] (鴻巣市本町1丁目1-2 エルミ鴻巣ショッピングモール1F) Locations: SSID:0000FLETS-PORTAL Times:Available for up to 15 mins. each time, 2 times per day. Procedures:Please use Japan connected-free Wi-Fi app provided by NTT-BP. (INFO) http://www.ntt-bp.net/jcfw/en.html Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Etc. |
Saitama / Etc. |
![]() (31アイスクリームイオンモール常滑店) AEON Mall Tokoname 2071 2-20-3 Rinkucho, Tokoname-shi Aichi [MAP] (常滑市りんくう町 2丁目20‐3 イオンモール常滑<2071>) Locations: SSID:00_Aichi_Free_Wi-Fi Times:30minutes / session , 8 sessions / day Procedures:Please use Japan connected-free Wi-Fi app provided by NTT-BP. (INFO) http://www.ntt-bp.net/jcfw/en.html Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Etc. |
Aichi / Etc. |
![]() (サーティワンアイスクリーム油山ロードサイド店) [MAP] (福岡市城南区東油山1丁目14‐1) Locations: SSID:DoSPOT-FREE Times:60minutes(15min×4times) Procedures:Procedures2ways to access;(1)Select "DoSPOT-FREE" from available Wi-Fi network on your device. Check the Terms and Conditions.Enter your e-mail address, and click Connect. or(2) to download the app (http://www.ntt-bp.net/jcfw/en.html) Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Fukuoka / Etc. |
![]() (365ゴルフクラブながはま) 7 Jogicho, Nagahama-shi Shiga [MAP] (長浜市常喜町 7 ) Locations: SSID:Biwako_Free_Wi-Fi Times:30minutes / session , 8 sessions / day Procedures:Please use Japan connected-free Wi-Fi app provided by NTT-BP. (INFO) http://www.ntt-bp.net/jcfw/en.html Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Etc. |
Shiga / Etc. |
![]() (365ゴルフクラブながはま) [MAP] (長浜市常喜町7) Locations: SSID:DoSPOT-FREE Times:60minutes(15min×4times) Procedures:Procedures2ways to access;(1)Select "DoSPOT-FREE" from available Wi-Fi network on your device. Check the Terms and Conditions.Enter your e-mail address, and click Connect. or(2) to download the app (http://www.ntt-bp.net/jcfw/en.html) Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Shiga / Etc. |