You can search for free Wi-Fi hotspots all over Japan.
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Spot Details | Prefecture / Category |
Lake Akan Marimo Footbath "Ure-Karip" (阿寒湖まりも足湯 ウレ・カリプ) 1-4-25, AkankoOnsen, Akan-chou, Kushiro-shi, Hokkaido [MAP] (釧路市阿寒町阿寒湖温泉1丁目4番25号) Locations: SSID:akan-footspa-wifi Times:4hours/per entry Procedures:to register your e-mail address or your sns account, to select the SSID Tel:0154672531 Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chs. Kor. |
Hokkaido / Sightseeing Spots |
Lake Akan Marimo Footbath "Ure-Karip" (阿寒湖まりも足湯 ウレ・カリプ) 1-4-25, AkankoOnsen, Akan-chou, Kushiro-shi, Hokkaido [MAP] (釧路市阿寒町阿寒湖温泉1丁目4番25号) Locations: SSID:akan-footspa-wifi Times:4hours/per entry Procedures:to register your e-mail address or your sns account, to select the SSID Tel:0154672531 Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chs. Kor. |
Hokkaido / Sightseeing Spots |
Lake Chuzenji Boat House (中禅寺湖畔ボートハウス) 2485-8chugushi,nikko-shi,Tochigi [MAP] (栃木県日光市中宮祠2485-8) Locations:hole only SSID:0000 FLETS-PORTAL Times:30min/2time/day Procedures:to register your e-mail address Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. |
Tochigi / Sightseeing Spots |
Lake Ikeda (池田湖) 5268-4,Ikeda,Ibusuki-city,Kagoshima [MAP] (指宿市池田5268-4) Locations: SSID:IBUSUKI_CITY_ FREE_ Wi-Fi Times:free Procedures:to select the SSID Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. |
Kagoshima / Sightseeing Spots |
Lake Mashu Observation Deck No.1 (摩周湖第1展望台) Teshikagagenya, Teshikaga-cho, Kawakami-gun [MAP] (川上郡弟子屈町弟子屈原野) Locations: SSID:KUSHIRO-AREA-BG Times:all day Procedures:to select the SSID Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. |
Hokkaido / Sightseeing Spots |
Lake Shinji Sunset Spot (宍道湖夕日スポット) Sodeshi-cho,Matsue-shi.Shimane [MAP] (松江市袖師町) Locations: SSID:135_Enmusubi_Matsue_WiFi Times:3hours/per entry Procedures:to register your e-mail address, to select the SSID Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Etc. |
Shimane / Sightseeing Spots |
MachidaSquirrelGarden (町田リス園) 733-1,Kanaimachi,Machida-shi,Tokyo [MAP] (町田市金井町733-1) Locations: SSID:Machida_Free_Wi-Fi_Lite Times:60min/per connection Procedures:to register your e-mail address and password, to select the SSID Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Kor. Etc. |
Tokyo / Sightseeing Spots |
Marine House agoda (Odaiba-kaihin Park) (お台場海浜公園 マリンハウス) 1-4, Daiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo [MAP] (港区台場1-4) Locations:Marine House SSID:FreeWifi_ODAIBA Times:Valid for 90 days from registration. Procedures:Registration is required for phone number or email address. Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. |
Tokyo / Sightseeing Spots |
Matsudaira-go (松平郷) Akabara Matsudaira-cho, Toyota, Aichi [MAP] (豊田市松平町赤原) Locations: SSID:ToyotaCity_Free_Wi-Fi Times:30min/per entry, No limit/day Procedures:to select the SSID Tel:0565581629 Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Aichi / Sightseeing Spots |
Matsue Castle (松江城) 1-5,Tonomachi,Matsue-shi.Shimane [MAP] (松江市殿町1-5) Locations: SSID:135_Enmusubi_Matsue_WiFi Times:3hours/per entry Procedures:to register your e-mail address, to select the SSID Tel:0852-21-4030 Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Etc. |
Shimane / Sightseeing Spots |
Matsue Castle (松江城) 1-5,Tonomachi,Matsue-shi,Shimane [MAP] (松江市殿町1-5) Locations: SSID:135_Enmusubi_Matsue_WiFi Times:3hours/per entry Procedures:to register your e-mail address, to select the SSID Tel:0852214030 Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Etc. |
Shimane / Sightseeing Spots |
Matsue Castle (松江城) 1-5,Tonomachi,Matsue-shi,Shimane [MAP] (松江市殿町1-5) Locations: SSID:135_Enmusubi_Matsue_WiFi Times:3hours/per entry Procedures:to register your e-mail address, to select the SSID Tel:0852214030 Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Etc. |
Shimane / Sightseeing Spots |
Matsue Castle (松江城) 1-5,Tonomachi,Matsue-shi.Shimane [MAP] (松江市殿町1-5) Locations: SSID:135_Enmusubi_Matsue_WiFi Times:3hours/per entry Procedures:to register your e-mail address, to select the SSID Tel:0852214030 Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Etc. |
Shimane / Sightseeing Spots |
Matsue Castle (松江城) 1-5,Tonomachi,Matsue-shi.Shimane [MAP] (松江市殿町1-5) Locations: SSID:135_Enmusubi_Matsue_WiFi Times:3hours/per entry Procedures:to register your e-mail address, to select the SSID Tel:0852214030 Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Etc. |
Shimane / Sightseeing Spots |
Matsue Castle (松江城) 1-5,Tonomachi,Matsue-shi.Shimane [MAP] (松江市殿町1-5) Locations: SSID:135_Enmusubi_Matsue_WiFi Times:3hours/per entry Procedures:to register your e-mail address, to select the SSID Tel:0852214030 Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Etc. |
Shimane / Sightseeing Spots |
Matsue Castle (松江城) 1-5,Tonomachi,Matsue-shi.Shimane [MAP] (松江市殿町1-5) Locations: SSID:135_Enmusubi_Matsue_WiFi Times:3hours/per entry Procedures:to register your e-mail address, to select the SSID Tel:0852214030 Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Etc. |
Shimane / Sightseeing Spots |
Matsue Vogel Park (松江フォーゲルパーク) 52,Ogaki-cho,Matsue-shi.Shimane [MAP] (松江市大垣町52) Locations: SSID:135_Enmusubi_Matsue_WiFi Times:3hours/per entry Procedures:to register your e-mail address, to select the SSID Tel:0852889800 Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Etc. |
Shimane / Sightseeing Spots |
MatsukawaonsenMatsukawasou (松川温泉松川荘) Matsukawaonsen,Matsuoyoriki,Hachimantai-chi [MAP] (八幡平市松尾寄木松川温泉) Locations: SSID:matsukawasou_Wi-Fi Times:1hour/per entry Procedures:to select the SSID Tel:0195782255 Multilingual Guidance: Etc. |
Iwate / Sightseeing Spots |
Matsushima Free Wi-Fi (Matsushima Free Wi-Fi) 56 Chonai Matsushima Matsushima-cho Miyagi-gun Miyagi [MAP] (宮城県宮城郡松島町松島字町内56) Locations: SSID:Matsushima Free Wi-Fi Times:no limit,need to entry each 60 minutes Procedures:to register your e-mail address Tel:0223533355 Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. |
Miyagi / Sightseeing Spots |
Meguro City Office Complex (目黒区総合庁舎) 2-19-15, Kamimeguro, Meguro city, Tokyo [MAP] (目黒区上目黒ニ丁目19番15号) Locations: SSID:0000Meguro_Free_Wi-Fi Times:30min/per entry Procedures:to register your e-mail address or SNS account, to select the SSID Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. |
Tokyo / Sightseeing Spots |