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Spot Details | Prefecture / Category |
Joukou Temple (浄光寺) [MAP] (庄原市上原町2527) Locations: SSID:DoSPOT-FREE Times:60minutes(15min×4times) Procedures:Procedures2ways to access;(1)Select "DoSPOT-FREE" from available Wi-Fi network on your device. Check the Terms and Conditions.Enter your e-mail address, and click Connect. or(2) to download the app ( Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Hiroshima / Museums/Temples/Shrines |
Jousen Temple (淨泉寺) [MAP] (松阪市船江町549) Locations: SSID:DoSPOT-FREE Times:60minutes(15min×4times) Procedures:Procedures2ways to access;(1)Select "DoSPOT-FREE" from available Wi-Fi network on your device. Check the Terms and Conditions.Enter your e-mail address, and click Connect. or(2) to download the app ( Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Mie / Museums/Temples/Shrines |
Jozaiji Temple (常在寺) [MAP] (京丹後市久美浜町栃谷1550) Locations: SSID:DoSPOT-FREE Times:60minutes(15min×4times) Procedures:Procedures2ways to access;(1)Select "DoSPOT-FREE" from available Wi-Fi network on your device. Check the Terms and Conditions.Enter your e-mail address, and click Connect. or(2) to download the app ( Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Kyoto / Museums/Temples/Shrines |
Juhon-ji Temple (寿本寺) [MAP] (久留米市草野町草野397‐1) Locations: SSID:DoSPOT-FREE Times:60minutes(15min×4times) Procedures:Procedures2ways to access;(1)Select "DoSPOT-FREE" from available Wi-Fi network on your device. Check the Terms and Conditions.Enter your e-mail address, and click Connect. or(2) to download the app ( Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Fukuoka / Museums/Temples/Shrines |
Jukoji Temple (寿光寺) [MAP] (うきは市吉井町千年134-1) Locations: SSID:DoSPOT-FREE Times:60minutes(15min×4times) Procedures:Procedures2ways to access;(1)Select "DoSPOT-FREE" from available Wi-Fi network on your device. Check the Terms and Conditions.Enter your e-mail address, and click Connect. or(2) to download the app ( Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Fukuoka / Museums/Temples/Shrines |
Junshou temple (順正寺) [MAP] (東広島市八本松町飯田744-8) Locations: SSID:DoSPOT-FREE Times:60minutes(15min×4times) Procedures:Procedures2ways to access;(1)Select "DoSPOT-FREE" from available Wi-Fi network on your device. Check the Terms and Conditions.Enter your e-mail address, and click Connect. or(2) to download the app ( Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Hiroshima / Museums/Temples/Shrines |
Jurenji Temple (重蓮寺) [MAP] (高松市三谷町333-5) Locations: SSID:DoSPOT-FREE Times:60minutes(15min×4times) Procedures:Procedures2ways to access;(1)Select "DoSPOT-FREE" from available Wi-Fi network on your device. Check the Terms and Conditions.Enter your e-mail address, and click Connect. or(2) to download the app ( Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Kagawa / Museums/Temples/Shrines |
Juryoji (壽量寺) [MAP] (徳島市寺町10) Locations: SSID:DoSPOT-FREE Times:60minutes(15min×4times) Procedures:Procedures2ways to access;(1)Select "DoSPOT-FREE" from available Wi-Fi network on your device. Check the Terms and Conditions.Enter your e-mail address, and click Connect. or(2) to download the app ( Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Tokushima / Museums/Temples/Shrines |
Jusennji Temple (寿泉寺) [MAP] (福山市水呑町1614) Locations: SSID:DoSPOT-FREE Times:60minutes(15min×4times) Procedures:Procedures2ways to access;(1)Select "DoSPOT-FREE" from available Wi-Fi network on your device. Check the Terms and Conditions.Enter your e-mail address, and click Connect. or(2) to download the app ( Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Hiroshima / Museums/Temples/Shrines |
Jyorinji Temple (常林寺) [MAP] (袋井市梅山132) Locations: SSID:DoSPOT-FREE Times:60minutes(15min×4times) Procedures:Procedures2ways to access;(1)Select "DoSPOT-FREE" from available Wi-Fi network on your device. Check the Terms and Conditions.Enter your e-mail address, and click Connect. or(2) to download the app ( Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Shizuoka / Museums/Temples/Shrines |
Jyufuku temple (寿福寺) [MAP] (東広島市八本松町 大字篠115) Locations: SSID:DoSPOT-FREE Times:60minutes(15min×4times) Procedures:Procedures2ways to access;(1)Select "DoSPOT-FREE" from available Wi-Fi network on your device. Check the Terms and Conditions.Enter your e-mail address, and click Connect. or(2) to download the app ( Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Hiroshima / Museums/Temples/Shrines |
Kachou Temple (華頂寺) [MAP] (北九州市八幡東区春の町3丁目2-2) Locations: SSID:DoSPOT-FREE Times:60minutes(15min×4times) Procedures:Procedures2ways to access;(1)Select "DoSPOT-FREE" from available Wi-Fi network on your device. Check the Terms and Conditions.Enter your e-mail address, and click Connect. or(2) to download the app ( Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Fukuoka / Museums/Temples/Shrines |
Kadomefureai Hall (かどめふれあい館) 98 Kamigawara Tatsuno-cho Tatsuno City Hyogo Prefecture [MAP] (兵庫県たつの市龍野町上川原98) Locations: SSID:Tatsuno_City_Wi-Fi Times:60min/day(15min*4times) Procedures:to select the SSID Tel:0791625155 Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Hyogo / Museums/Temples/Shrines |
Kaga City Museum (加賀市美術館) [MAP] (加賀市作見町リ1-4) Locations: SSID:DoSPOT-FREE Times:60minutes(15min×4times) Procedures:Procedures2ways to access;(1)Select "DoSPOT-FREE" from available Wi-Fi network on your device. Check the Terms and Conditions.Enter your e-mail address, and click Connect. or(2) to download the app ( Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Ishikawa / Museums/Temples/Shrines |
Kajokan/Yano Kanji Memorial Museum (霞城館・矢野勘治記念館) 30 Kamikajo Tatsuno-cho Tatsuno City Hyogo Prefecture [MAP] (兵庫県たつの市龍野町上霞城30) Locations: SSID:Tatsuno_City_Wi-Fi Times:60min/day(15min*4times) Procedures:to select the SSID Tel:0791632900 Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Hyogo / Museums/Temples/Shrines |
Kakudai Temple (鶴代寺) [MAP] (岡崎市野畑町字南郷中49) Locations: SSID:DoSPOT-FREE Times:60minutes(15min×4times) Procedures:Procedures2ways to access;(1)Select "DoSPOT-FREE" from available Wi-Fi network on your device. Check the Terms and Conditions.Enter your e-mail address, and click Connect. or(2) to download the app ( Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Aichi / Museums/Temples/Shrines |
Kakurinji (覚林寺) [MAP] (揖斐郡揖斐川町清水1571) Locations: SSID:DoSPOT-FREE Times:60minutes(15min×4times) Procedures:Procedures2ways to access;(1)Select "DoSPOT-FREE" from available Wi-Fi network on your device. Check the Terms and Conditions.Enter your e-mail address, and click Connect. or(2) to download the app ( Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Gifu / Museums/Temples/Shrines |
Kamado Jinja Shrine (竈門神社) [MAP] (太宰府市内山883竈門神社 社務所) Locations: SSID:DoSPOT-FREE Times:60minutes(15min×4times) Procedures:Procedures2ways to access;(1)Select "DoSPOT-FREE" from available Wi-Fi network on your device. Check the Terms and Conditions.Enter your e-mail address, and click Connect. or(2) to download the app ( Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Fukuoka / Museums/Temples/Shrines |
Kamakuraguu (鎌倉宮) 154, Nikaido, Kamakura-shi, Kanagawa, 248-0002, Japan [MAP] (神奈川県鎌倉市二階堂154) Locations:Around the vending machine. SSID:FREEMOBILE Times:30min/per entry Procedures:to use the WiFi, agree to our Terms of Service. Tel:0467-22-0318 Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chs. Kor. |
Kanagawa / Museums/Temples/Shrines |
Kamidaigo-ji Temple (上醍醐寺) [MAP] (京都市 伏見区醍醐 醍醐山21) Locations: SSID:DoSPOT-FREE Times:60minutes(15min×4times) Procedures:Procedures2ways to access;(1)Select "DoSPOT-FREE" from available Wi-Fi network on your device. Check the Terms and Conditions.Enter your e-mail address, and click Connect. or(2) to download the app ( Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Kyoto / Museums/Temples/Shrines |