You can search for free Wi-Fi hotspots all over Japan.
Please contact the administration office if the map shown in the above website is incorrect.
Spot Details | Prefecture / Category |
Nagasaki Station, South Entrance(To Shinchi) (長崎駅前南口(新地向)) 10-11, Daikokumachi, Nagasaki-shi, Nagasaki [MAP] (長崎市大黒町10-11先) Locations: SSID:NagasakiBUS_Free_Wi-Fi Times:30minutes / session , Unlimited Procedures:Please use Japan connected-free Wi-Fi app provided by NTT-BP. (INFO) Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Etc. |
Nagasaki / Buses |
Nagasaki Station, South Entrance(To Takaramachi) (長崎駅前南口(宝町向)) 14-5, Daikokumachi, Nagasaki-shi, Nagasaki [MAP] (長崎市大黒町14-5先) Locations: SSID:NagasakiBUS_Free_Wi-Fi Times:30minutes / session , Unlimited Procedures:Please use Japan connected-free Wi-Fi app provided by NTT-BP. (INFO) Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Etc. |
Nagasaki / Buses |
Nakacho Motorcoach Stop (中町大型バス発着場) 1-644-13. Naka-cho, Atsugi-shi, Kanagawa [MAP] (厚木市中町1-644-13) Locations: SSID:Atsugi_Free_Wi-Fi Times:60min/per connection, unlimited number of connections/per day Procedures:to register email address or a SNS account(required only for the first time ), to select the SSID Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. |
Kanagawa / Buses |
Nankai Rinkan Bus, Koyasan Business Office (南海りんかんバス 高野山営業所) [MAP] (伊都郡高野町高野山国有林第8林班105-1) Locations: SSID:DoSPOT-FREE Times:60minutes(15min×4times) Procedures:Procedures2ways to access;(1)Select "DoSPOT-FREE" from available Wi-Fi network on your device. Check the Terms and Conditions.Enter your e-mail address, and click Connect. or(2) to download the app ( Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Wakayama / Buses |
Nara Kotsu Bus (Express Bus) (奈良交通高速バス) 1-1. Sanjyomotomachi,Nara-city,Nara [MAP] (奈良市三条本町1-1) Locations: SSID:NARA_Free_Wi-Fi Times:30minutes/per entry Procedures:to select the SSID Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Nara / Buses |
Niigata City Loop Bus (観光循環バス) Niigata City,Niigata [MAP] (新潟市) Locations:In the car SSID:Niigata_City_Free_Wi-Fi Times:1hour/per entry Procedures:(1)Enable Wi-Fi on your device and tap the "Niigata_City_Free_Wi-Fi" network. (2)Launch your internet browser to access the portal site. (3)When the portal site appears, tap on "Connect to the internet" and select your registration method. (4)Follow the onscreen instructions. Please agree to the "Terms of Use" and register your e-mail address or SNS account. Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Etc. |
Niigata / Buses |
Niigatakotsu_kanko_bus (新潟交通観光バス) 3-7-1. Terayama, Higashi-ku, Niigata [MAP] (新潟市東区寺山3-7-1) Locations: SSID:Niigatakotsukanko_bus Times:When using a Kanko Bus Procedures:to select the SSID Tel:08035730701 Multilingual Guidance: Eng. |
Niigata / Buses |
Northern Iwate Transportation Inc. (岩手県北バス) 1-17-18.Kuriyagawa.Morioka.Iwate [MAP] (盛岡市厨川一丁目17番18号) Locations: SSID:Michinori FreeWi-Fi Times:One free session is 120 minutes. After this time,please re-login to continue use. Procedures:Agree to the terms of use and security level , Authorize use via return email or SNS login Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. |
Iwate / Buses |
Ohato(To Nagasaki Station) (大波止(長崎駅向)) 13-5, Motofunamachi, Nagasaki-shi, Nagasaki [MAP] (長崎市元船町13-5先) Locations: SSID:NagasakiBUS_Free_Wi-Fi Times:30minutes / session , Unlimited Procedures:Please use Japan connected-free Wi-Fi app provided by NTT-BP. (INFO) Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Etc. |
Nagasaki / Buses |
Ohato(To Shinchi) (大波止(新地向)) 1-16, Kabashimamach, Nagasaki-shi, Nagasaki [MAP] (長崎市樺島町1-16先) Locations: SSID:NagasakiBUS_Free_Wi-Fi Times:30minutes / session , Unlimited Procedures:Please use Japan connected-free Wi-Fi app provided by NTT-BP. (INFO) Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Etc. |
Nagasaki / Buses |
Oita Bus General Information Center (大分バス総合案内所) [MAP] (大分市府内町2丁目1番4号トキハ本店・大分バス総合案内所) Locations: SSID:DoSPOT-FREE Times:60minutes(15min×4times) Procedures:Procedures2ways to access;(1)Select "DoSPOT-FREE" from available Wi-Fi network on your device. Check the Terms and Conditions.Enter your e-mail address, and click Connect. or(2) to download the app ( Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Oita / Buses |
OSAKA CITY AIR TERMINAL (OCAT) (大阪シティエアターミナル(OCAT)) 1-4-1. minatomachi. naniwa-ku. Osaka [MAP] (大阪市浪速区湊町1丁目4番1号) Locations: SSID:Osaka Free Wi-Fi Times:1hours/per entry, unlimited Procedures:to register your e-mail address Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. |
Osaka / Buses |
Osaka-shi Transportation Bureau, Itakano service center (大阪市交通局市バス井高野営業所) [MAP] (大阪市東淀川区井高野4丁目3-59大阪市交通局井高野営業所) Locations: SSID:DoSPOT-FREE Times:60minutes(15min×4times) Procedures:Procedures2ways to access;(1)Select "DoSPOT-FREE" from available Wi-Fi network on your device. Check the Terms and Conditions.Enter your e-mail address, and click Connect. or(2) to download the app ( Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Osaka / Buses |
Reliance Kankou (リライエンス観光) 127-4,Yaoroshi,Hannou-shi,Saitama [MAP] (飯能市矢颪127-4) Locations: SSID:.Wi-Fi_BUS Times:No limit Procedures:to select the SSID Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. |
Saitama / Buses |
Reliance Kankou (リライエンス観光) 127-4,Yaoroshi,Hannou-shi,Saitama [MAP] (飯能市矢颪127-4) Locations: SSID:.Wi-Fi_BUS Times:No limit Procedures:to select the SSID Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. |
Saitama / Buses |
Reliance Kankou (リライエンス観光) 127-4,Yaoroshi,Hannou-shi,Saitama [MAP] (飯能市矢颪127-4) Locations: SSID:.Wi-Fi_BUS Times:No limit Procedures:to select the SSID Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. |
Saitama / Buses |
Reliance Kankou (リライエンス観光) 127-4,Yaoroshi,Hannou-shi,Saitama [MAP] (飯能市矢颪127-4) Locations: SSID:.Wi-Fi_BUS Times:No limit Procedures:to select the SSID Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. |
Saitama / Buses |
Reliance Kankou (リライエンス観光) 127-4,Yaoroshi,Hannnou-shi,Saitama [MAP] (飯能市矢颪127-4) Locations: SSID:.Wi-Fi.BUS Times:No limit Procedures:to select the SSID Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Etc. |
Saitama / Buses |
Ryujo Sightseeing Bus Service (柳城観光バス) [MAP] (柳川市下宮永町1092-1) Locations: SSID:DoSPOT-FREE Times:60minutes(15min×4times) Procedures:Procedures2ways to access;(1)Select "DoSPOT-FREE" from available Wi-Fi network on your device. Check the Terms and Conditions.Enter your e-mail address, and click Connect. or(2) to download the app ( Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Fukuoka / Buses |
Sakura Express Bus (桜高速バス) [MAP] (大阪市浪速区難波中2-8-92) Locations: SSID:DoSPOT-FREE Times:60minutes(15min×4times) Procedures:Procedures2ways to access;(1)Select "DoSPOT-FREE" from available Wi-Fi network on your device. Check the Terms and Conditions.Enter your e-mail address, and click Connect. or(2) to download the app ( Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Osaka / Buses |