You can search for free Wi-Fi hotspots all over Japan.
Please contact the administration office if the map shown in the above website is incorrect.
Spot Details | Prefecture / Category |
Narita City Tourist Information Office (成田市観光案内所) 839, Hanazakicho, Narita-shi, Chiba [MAP] (成田市花崎町839) Locations: SSID:106F3FDD1CC6 Times:without restriction Procedures:access free Tel:0476243198 Multilingual Guidance: Eng. |
Chiba / Tourist Information Centers |
natowa esan (なとわ・えさん) hakodatesi hinohama [MAP] (函館市日ノ浜町31番2) Locations: SSID:MICHI-NO-EKI Times:You can use the service for 120 minutes up to 5 times per day Procedures:Turn ON the Wi-Fi setting of your device and select SSID:MICHI-NO-EKI. After establishing a Wi-Fi connection, open your browser Follow the instructions displayed on the screen and proceed through the screens to connect to the Internet. Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Hokkaido / Tourist Information Centers |
NAVI TERRACE (Gamagori city Tourist information center) (ナビテラス(蒲郡市観光交流センター)) 1-3,Motomachi,Gamagori-city,Aichi [MAP] (蒲郡市元町1-3) Locations: SSID:freespot=SecurityPassword(AES) Times:Your registration will be valid for 6 months, during whichyou can use FREESPOT without having to log in. Procedures:to register your e-mail address, to select the SSID Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. |
Aichi / Tourist Information Centers |
Niiza City Tourist Plaza (新座市観光プラザ) 1-23-15, Nobitome, Niiza-shi, Saitama [MAP] (新座市野火止1-23-15) Locations: SSID:0000FLETS-PORTAL Times:15min/per entry Procedures:to registar your e-mail address and pass, to select Login Tel:048-477-1111 Multilingual Guidance: Eng. |
Saitama / Tourist Information Centers |
nisekoviewplaza (ニセコビュープラザ) nisekochou [MAP] (虻田郡ニセコ町) Locations: SSID:MICHI-NO-EKI Times:You can use the service for 120 minutes up to 5 times per day Procedures:Turn ON the Wi-Fi setting of your device and select SSID:MICHI-NO-EKI. After establishing a Wi-Fi connection, open your browser Follow the instructions displayed on the screen and proceed through the screens to connect to the Internet. Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Hokkaido / Tourist Information Centers |
Nishikicho station (錦町駅) 7873-9, Hirose, Nishiki-cho, Iwakuni-shi [MAP] (岩国市錦町広瀬7873-9) Locations: SSID:DoSPOT-FREE Times:15 minutes for once Up to 4 times a day Procedures:to select the SSID Tel:0827722002 Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Yamaguchi / Tourist Information Centers |
Nishio Tourist information center (西尾市観光案内所) [MAP] (西尾市住吉町4丁目18) Locations: SSID:DoSPOT-FREE Times:60minutes(15min×4times) Procedures:Procedures2ways to access;(1)Select "DoSPOT-FREE" from available Wi-Fi network on your device. Check the Terms and Conditions.Enter your e-mail address, and click Connect. or(2) to download the app ( Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Aichi / Tourist Information Centers |
Nishio Tourist Information Center (西尾観光案内所) [MAP] (西尾市住吉町4-18-4名鉄西尾駅構内1F) Locations: SSID:DoSPOT-FREE Times:60minutes(15min×4times) Procedures:Procedures2ways to access;(1)Select "DoSPOT-FREE" from available Wi-Fi network on your device. Check the Terms and Conditions.Enter your e-mail address, and click Connect. or(2) to download the app ( Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Aichi / Tourist Information Centers |
nishiokoppe kamu (にしおこっぺ花夢) nisiokoppechou [MAP] (紋別郡西興部村) Locations: SSID:MICHI-NO-EKI Times:You can use the service for 120 minutes up to 5 times per day Procedures:Turn ON the Wi-Fi setting of your device and select SSID:MICHI-NO-EKI. After establishing a Wi-Fi connection, open your browser Follow the instructions displayed on the screen and proceed through the screens to connect to the Internet. Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Hokkaido / Tourist Information Centers |
Nishitetsu Yanagawa tourist information office (西鉄柳川駅観光案内所) [MAP] (柳川市三橋町下百町46-2) Locations: SSID:DoSPOT-FREE Times:60minutes(15min×4times) Procedures:Procedures2ways to access;(1)Select "DoSPOT-FREE" from available Wi-Fi network on your device. Check the Terms and Conditions.Enter your e-mail address, and click Connect. or(2) to download the app ( Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Fukuoka / Tourist Information Centers |
nonky land higashimokoto (ノンキーランド ひがしもこと) oozorachou [MAP] (網走郡大空町) Locations: SSID:MICHI-NO-EKI Times:You can use the service for 120 minutes up to 5 times per day Procedures:Turn ON the Wi-Fi setting of your device and select SSID:MICHI-NO-EKI. After establishing a Wi-Fi connection, open your browser Follow the instructions displayed on the screen and proceed through the screens to connect to the Internet. Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Hokkaido / Tourist Information Centers |
Oasis Poppokan(Shimotsuke Tourrism Association) (オアシスポッポ館(下野市観光協会)) 3009-12, Koganei, Shimotsuke-shi, Tochigi [MAP] (下野市小金井3009-12) Locations:only in the lobby SSID:GUEST-Shimotsuke Times:8:30-17:15 Procedures:choose SSID and input a password Tel:0285396900 Multilingual Guidance: Eng. |
Tochigi / Tourist Information Centers |
Obasute Sightseeing hall (姨捨観光会館) 4993-1,Yawata-Obasute,Chikuma-City,Nagano [MAP] (千曲市大字八幡姨捨4993-1) Locations: SSID:Chikuma-Free-Wi-Fi Times:once for 20 minutes Procedures:to register your e-mail address Tel:026-273-4170 Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. |
Nagano / Tourist Information Centers |
obiranishinbanya (おびら鰊番屋) obiracho [MAP] (留萌郡小平町字鬼鹿広富) Locations: SSID:MICHI-NO-EKI Times:You can use the service for 120 minutes up to 5 times per day Procedures:Turn ON the Wi-Fi setting of your device and select SSID:MICHI-NO-EKI. After establishing a Wi-Fi connection, open your browser Follow the instructions displayed on the screen and proceed through the screens to connect to the Internet. Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Hokkaido / Tourist Information Centers |
Odaiba Sky Tourist Information (お台場SKYツーリストインフォメーション) 1-2-1, Aomi, Minato-ku, Tokyo [MAP] (江東区青海1-2-1) Locations:available in some floors (1F) SSID:FreeWifi_ODAIBA Times:Valid for 90 days from registration. Procedures:Registration is required for phone number or email address. Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. |
Tokyo / Tourist Information Centers |
odaitou (おだいとう) bekkaichou [MAP] (野付郡別海町) Locations: SSID:MICHI-NO-EKI Times:You can use the service for 120 minutes up to 5 times per day Procedures:Turn ON the Wi-Fi setting of your device and select SSID:MICHI-NO-EKI. After establishing a Wi-Fi connection, open your browser Follow the instructions displayed on the screen and proceed through the screens to connect to the Internet. Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Hokkaido / Tourist Information Centers |
Ogose Station General Information Center (越生駅西口総合案内所) 386-8.Ogose.Ogose Town.Saitama [MAP] (入間郡越生町大字越生386-8) Locations: SSID:ogose-FreeWifi Times:8hours/day Procedures:to register your e-mail address Tel:0492921451 Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. |
Saitama / Tourist Information Centers |
ohotsuk churippu no yu (かみゆうべつチューリップの湯) yuubetsucity [MAP] (紋別郡湧別町中湧別中町3021?1) Locations: SSID:MICHI-NO-EKI Times:You can use the service for 60 minutes up to 5 times per day Procedures:Turn ON the Wi-Fi setting of your device and select SSID:MICHI-NO-EKI. After establishing a Wi-Fi connection, open your browser Follow the instructions displayed on the screen and proceed through the screens to connect to the Internet. Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Hokkaido / Tourist Information Centers |
ohotsuk monbetsu (オホーツク紋別) monbetsucity [MAP] (紋別市元紋別11?6) Locations: SSID:MICHI-NO-EKI Times:You can use the service for 120 minutes up to 5 times per day Procedures:Turn ON the Wi-Fi setting of your device and select SSID:MICHI-NO-EKI. After establishing a Wi-Fi connection, open your browser Follow the instructions displayed on the screen and proceed through the screens to connect to the Internet. Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Hokkaido / Tourist Information Centers |
Oideyo Tochigi-kan (おいでよ!とちぎ館) 3-9, Honcho, Utsunomiya-shi, Tochigi [MAP] (宇都宮市本町3-9) Locations: SSID:0000FLEES-PORTAL Times:30minutes a day Procedures:to register your e-mail address and agree to the terms of use Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. |
Tochigi / Tourist Information Centers |