You can search for free Wi-Fi hotspots all over Japan.
Please contact the administration office if the map shown in the above website is incorrect.
Spot Details | Prefecture / Category |
roadside station kamishihoro (道の駅 かみしほろ) 227-1 higashi3sen kamishihorotown [MAP] (河東郡上士幌町字上士幌東3線227-1) Locations: SSID:MICHI-NO-EKI Times:You can use the service for 60 minutes per entry Procedures:Turn ON the Wi-Fi setting of your device and select SSID:MICHI-NO-EKI. After establishing a Wi-Fi connection, open your browser Follow the instructions displayed on the screen and proceed through the screens to connect to the Internet. Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Hokkaido / Tourist Information Centers |
Roadside Station rumoi (道の駅 るもい) 114-2 funabacho rumoiCity [MAP] (留萌市船場町2丁目114) Locations: SSID:MICHI-NO-EKI Times:You can use the service for 60 minutes per entry Procedures:Turn ON the Wi-Fi setting of your device and select SSID:MICHI-NO-EKI. After establishing a Wi-Fi connection, open your browser Follow the instructions displayed on the screen and proceed through the screens to connect to the Internet. Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Hokkaido / Tourist Information Centers |
roman kaidou syosanbetsu (☆ロマン街道しょさんべつ) syosanbetsumura [MAP] (苫前郡初山別村字豊岬153番地1) Locations: SSID:MICHI-NO-EKI Times:You can use the service for 120 minutes up to 5 times per day Procedures:Turn ON the Wi-Fi setting of your device and select SSID:MICHI-NO-EKI. After establishing a Wi-Fi connection, open your browser Follow the instructions displayed on the screen and proceed through the screens to connect to the Internet. Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Hokkaido / Tourist Information Centers |
route229gennadai (ルート229元和台) otobecho [MAP] (爾志郡乙部町字元和169番地) Locations: SSID:MICHI-NO-EKI Times:You can use the service for 120 minutes up to 5 times per day Procedures:Turn ON the Wi-Fi setting of your device and select SSID:MICHI-NO-EKI. After establishing a Wi-Fi connection, open your browser Follow the instructions displayed on the screen and proceed through the screens to connect to the Internet. Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Hokkaido / Tourist Information Centers |
Ryuhyokaido Abashiri Michi no Eki (道の駅「「流氷街道網走」) 4 Minami3jo-higashi, Abashiri city, Hokkaido [MAP] (網走市南3条東4) Locations:outside SSID:ABASHIRI_City_Wi-Fi Times:60min/1time 10times/day Procedures:to register your e-mail address or SNS account, to select the SSID Tel:0152445849 Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. |
Hokkaido / Tourist Information Centers |
Ryuhyokaido Abashiri Michi no Eki (道の駅「「流氷街道網走」) 4 Minami3jo-higashi, Abashiri city, Hokkaido [MAP] (網走市南3条東4) Locations:inside this building SSID:abashiri_Wi-Fi Times:No limit Procedures:to select the SSID Tel:0152445849 Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. |
Hokkaido / Tourist Information Centers |
ryuhyou kaidou abashiri (流氷街道網走) abasirisi [MAP] (網走市南3条東4丁目) Locations: SSID:MICHI-NO-EKI Times:You can use the service for 120 minutes up to 5 times per day Procedures:Turn ON the Wi-Fi setting of your device and select SSID:MICHI-NO-EKI. After establishing a Wi-Fi connection, open your browser Follow the instructions displayed on the screen and proceed through the screens to connect to the Internet. Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Hokkaido / Tourist Information Centers |
Sagamiko tourist information center (相模湖観光案内所) 1104-2,Yose,Midori-ward,Sagamihara-city [MAP] (相模原市緑区与瀬1104-2) Locations: SSID:SAGAMIHARA_Tourism_Free_Wi-Fi Times:60min/per entry Procedures:to register your e-mail address Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. |
Kanagawa / Tourist Information Centers |
Saijo Sakagura-dori Tourist Information Center (西条酒蔵通り観光案内所) 17-1,Saijo Honmachi,Higashihiroshima City [MAP] (東広島市西条本町17番1号) Locations:Saijo Sakagura-dori Tourist Information Center SSID:Hiroshima Free Wi-Fi Times:Available time is 30 minutes per session. Available for any number of times per day. Procedures:When you register, you need to enter your name and e-mail address. Tel:082-421-2511 Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Hiroshima / Tourist Information Centers |
Sakai Sta. Tourist Information Center (堺駅観光案内所) [MAP] (堺市堺区戎島町3-22-1) Locations: SSID:DoSPOT-FREE Times:60minutes(15min×4times) Procedures:Procedures2ways to access;(1)Select "DoSPOT-FREE" from available Wi-Fi network on your device. Check the Terms and Conditions.Enter your e-mail address, and click Connect. or(2) to download the app ( Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Osaka / Tourist Information Centers |
Sakai Station Tourist Information Center (堺駅観光案内所) 3-22-1 Ebisujima-cho, Sakai-ku, Sakai City [MAP] (堺市堺区戎島町3-22-1) Locations: SSID:Osaka_Free_Wi-Fi_Lite Times:8 times per day for up to 30 minutes per day Procedures:to register your e-mail address, to select the SSID Tel:0722320331 Multilingual Guidance: Eng. |
Osaka / Tourist Information Centers |
Sakamoto Tourist Information Center (坂本観光案内所) [MAP] (大津市坂本6丁目1-13) Locations: SSID:DoSPOT-FREE Times:60minutes(15min×4times) Procedures:Procedures2ways to access;(1)Select "DoSPOT-FREE" from available Wi-Fi network on your device. Check the Terms and Conditions.Enter your e-mail address, and click Connect. or(2) to download the app ( Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Shiga / Tourist Information Centers |
Sakurai-shi Tourist Information Center (桜井観光案内所) [MAP] (桜井市桜井190-2桜井駅構内) Locations: SSID:DoSPOT-FREE Times:60minutes(15min×4times) Procedures:Procedures2ways to access;(1)Select "DoSPOT-FREE" from available Wi-Fi network on your device. Check the Terms and Conditions.Enter your e-mail address, and click Connect. or(2) to download the app ( Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Nara / Tourist Information Centers |
Sakurajima Port Ferry Terminal Tourist Inforamtion Center (桜島港フェリーターミナル観光案内所) [MAP] (鹿児島市桜島横山町61番4号桜島フェリーターミナル 2F) Locations: SSID:DoSPOT-FREE Times:60minutes(15min×4times) Procedures:Procedures2ways to access;(1)Select "DoSPOT-FREE" from available Wi-Fi network on your device. Check the Terms and Conditions.Enter your e-mail address, and click Connect. or(2) to download the app ( Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Kagoshima / Tourist Information Centers |
Sakurajima Port Ferry Terminal Tourist Information Center (桜島港フェリーターミナル観光案内所) 61-4,Sakurajimayokoyoamatyou,Kagoshima City [MAP] (鹿児島市桜島横山町61-4) Locations: SSID:Kagoshima City Free Wi-Fi Times:15min/per entry,1hours/day Procedures:to register your e-mail address Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. |
Kagoshima / Tourist Information Centers |
salmon park chitose (サーモンパーク千歳) chitoseshi [MAP] (千歳市花園2丁目) Locations: SSID:MICHI-NO-EKI Times:You can use the service for 120 minutes up to 5 times per day Procedures:Turn ON the Wi-Fi setting of your device and select SSID:MICHI-NO-EKI. After establishing a Wi-Fi connection, open your browser Follow the instructions displayed on the screen and proceed through the screens to connect to the Internet. Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Hokkaido / Tourist Information Centers |
sarabured road niikappu (サラブレッドロード新冠) niikappucho [MAP] (新冠郡新冠町字中央町1番地の20) Locations: SSID:MICHI-NO-EKI Times:You can use the service for 120 minutes up to 5 times per day Procedures:Turn ON the Wi-Fi setting of your device and select SSID:MICHI-NO-EKI. After establishing a Wi-Fi connection, open your browser Follow the instructions displayed on the screen and proceed through the screens to connect to the Internet. Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Hokkaido / Tourist Information Centers |
saromako (サロマ湖) saromachou [MAP] (常呂郡佐呂間町) Locations: SSID:MICHI-NO-EKI Times:You can use the service for 120 minutes up to 5 times per day Procedures:Turn ON the Wi-Fi setting of your device and select SSID:MICHI-NO-EKI. After establishing a Wi-Fi connection, open your browser Follow the instructions displayed on the screen and proceed through the screens to connect to the Internet. Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Hokkaido / Tourist Information Centers |
sarufutu kouen (さるふつ公園) sarufurtumura [MAP] (宗谷郡猿払村浜鬼志別214番地7) Locations: SSID:MICHI-NO-EKI Times:You can use the service for 120 minutes up to 5 times per day Procedures:Turn ON the Wi-Fi setting of your device and select SSID:MICHI-NO-EKI. After establishing a Wi-Fi connection, open your browser Follow the instructions displayed on the screen and proceed through the screens to connect to the Internet. Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Chc. Chs. Kor. Tha. Etc. |
Hokkaido / Tourist Information Centers |
Sasebo Tourist Information Center (佐世保観光情報センター) 21-1,miura-cho,sasebo-city [MAP] (佐世保市三浦町21-1) Locations: SSID:sasebo-sight Times:unlimited Procedures:to select the SSID Tel:0956226630 Multilingual Guidance: Eng. |
Nagasaki / Tourist Information Centers |