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Please contact the administration office if the map shown in the above website is incorrect.
Spot Details | Prefecture / Category |
Hagijosannomaru Hokumonyashiki (萩城三の丸 北門屋敷) 210-12. Horiuchi. Hagi-shi. Yamaguchi [MAP] (萩市堀内210-12) Locations: SSID:FREESPOT Times:free Procedures:free Tel:0838-22-7521 Multilingual Guidance: Etc. |
Yamaguchi / Hotels |
Hagihakkei Ganjimabesso (萩八景 雁嶋別荘) 3092. Chintou. Hagi-shi. Yamaguchi [MAP] (萩市椿東3092) Locations: SSID:FREESPOT Times:Free Procedures:Free Tel:0838-26-2882 Multilingual Guidance: Etc. |
Yamaguchi / Hotels |
zuisenkaku (矢びつ温泉瑞泉閣) Azasagarimatsu, 65-2, yabitsuonsenzuisenkaku, Gembicho, Ichinoseki-shi, Iwate, 021-0101, Japan [MAP] (一関市厳美町字下り松65-2) Locations:a guest room SSID:zuisenkaku_wifi Times:no limit Procedures:Enter password(12345678), to select the SSID Tel:0191392031 Multilingual Guidance: Eng. |
Iwate / Hotels |
AKIU RESORT HOTEL CRESCENT (秋保リゾートホテルクレセント) 1-2 Namezawa,Yumoto,Akiu-cho,Taihaku-ku,Sendai-shi,Miyagi [MAP] (仙台市太白区秋保町湯元字行沢1-2) Locations: SSID:crescent Times:no limit Procedures:to register an SSID Tel:0223973111 Multilingual Guidance: Etc. |
Miyagi / Hotels |
Hotel New Katsura (ホテルニュー桂) 696-1.Harakuro,Sado-City,Niigata [MAP] (佐渡市原黒696-1) Locations: SSID:HOTEL-NEW-KATSURA Times:always connect to the internet Procedures:to select the SSID and enter the password. Tel:0259-27-3151 Multilingual Guidance: Eng. |
Niigata / Hotels |
Hotel New Katsura (ホテルニュー桂) 696-1.Harakuro,Sado-City,Niigata [MAP] (佐渡市原黒696-1) Locations: SSID:HOTEL-NEW-KATSURA Times:always connect to the internet Procedures:to select the SSID and enter the password. Tel:0259-27-3151 Multilingual Guidance: Eng. |
Niigata / Hotels |
Hotel New Katsura (ホテルニュー桂) 696-1.Harakuro,Sado-City,Niigata [MAP] (佐渡市原黒696-1) Locations: SSID:HOTEL-NEW-KATSURA Times:always connect to the internet Procedures:to select the SSID and enter the password. Tel:0259-27-3151 Multilingual Guidance: Eng. |
Niigata / Hotels |
Hotel New Katsura (ホテルニュー桂) 696-1.Harakuro,Sado-city,Niigata [MAP] (佐渡市原黒696-1) Locations: SSID:HOTEL-NEW-KATSURA Times:always connect to the internet Procedures:to velvet the the SSID and enter the password Tel:0259-27-3151 Multilingual Guidance: Eng. |
Niigata / Hotels |
EBISUKAN (花あかりの宿 戎館) 945, Yoshinoyama, Yoshino-cho, Yoshino-gun, Nara [MAP] (吉野郡吉野町吉野山945) Locations: SSID:ebisukanwifi Times:2hours/per entry Procedures:passward Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. Etc. |
Nara / Hotels |
ryokannhatune (旅館初音) 1318-4.ooazatagamihei.tagamimati.minamikannbara-gun.niigata [MAP] (新潟県南蒲原郡田上町大字田上丙1318-4) Locations: SSID:hatune Times:no limit Procedures:to register your-mail select the SSID Tel:0256572351 Multilingual Guidance: Etc. |
Niigata / Hotels |
Suiko (粋光) 1271-2.Naramoto.Higashiizucho.Kamogun.Shizuoka [MAP] (賀茂郡東伊豆町奈良本1271-2) Locations: SSID:Suiko Times:20min/day Procedures:to select the SSID Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. |
Shizuoka / Hotels |
omotoFree (おもとフリー) 3-13-10.asamaonsen.matsumoto-si.NAGANO [MAP] (松本市浅間温泉3-13-10) Locations: SSID:omotoFree Times:no limit Procedures:to select the SSID Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. |
Nagano / Hotels |
Tendo Grand Hotel Maizuruso (天童グランドホテル舞鶴荘) 2-4-51.Kamatahontyo.Tendo City.Yamagata [MAP] (天童市鎌田本町2−4−51) Locations: SSID:MAIDURU1F-Free Times:no limit Procedures:to select the SSID Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. |
Yamagata / Hotels |
hotelseiryu Wi-Fi (ホテルセイリュウ Wi-Fi) 1-11-12,kamiishikiri-cho,higashiosakaCity,Osaka [MAP] (東大阪市上石切町1-11-12) Locations: SSID:SeiryuWiFI Times:anytime Procedures:Please ask at the front desk Tel: Multilingual Guidance: Eng. |
Osaka / Hotels |
Kasenkyo Izutsuya (佳泉郷井づつや) 1535. Yu, Sinonsen-cho, Mikatagun, Hyougo-ken [MAP] (美方郡新温泉町湯1535) Locations: SSID:IZUTUYA-G Times:no limit Procedures:The password system. Tel:0796921111 Multilingual Guidance: Eng. |
Hyogo / Hotels |
Buffalo-A-1D2E (Buffalo-A-1D2E) 145 oogiku-cho,nioumon sagaru,shinfuyamachi-toori,sakyo-ku,kyoto [MAP] (京都市左京区新麩屋町通仁王門下ル大菊町145) Locations: SSID:masuya1A Times:24hours/day Procedures:to register your e-mail address, Tel:075-771-3066 Multilingual Guidance: Eng. |
Kyoto / Hotels |
Kurayado Iroha (蔵宿いろは) 589-4 Miyajimacho, Hatsukaichi City, Hiroshima [MAP] (廿日市市宮島町589-4) Locations: SSID:kurayadoiroha Times:24 hours/per entry Procedures:to select the SSID Tel:0829440168 Multilingual Guidance: Etc. |
Hiroshima / Hotels |
Guest House Kikugawa (ゲストハウス菊がわ) 796 Miyajima-Cho Hatsukaichi-Shi Hiroshima-Ken [MAP] (廿日市市宮島町796) Locations: SSID:KIKUGAWA_Wi-Fi Times:Free Procedures:to select the SSID / type in the password Tel:0829440039 Multilingual Guidance: Eng. |
Hiroshima / Hotels |
mukaitaki (向滝旅館) 63,Suginoshita,Tsuchiyuonsenmachi,Fukushimacity,Fukushima [MAP] (福島県福島市土湯温泉町字杉ノ下63) Locations: SSID:Stream53352 Times:no limit Procedures:to register your e-mail address, to select the SSID Tel:0245952121 Multilingual Guidance: Eng. |
Fukushima / Hotels |
forest inn imari (フォレストイン伊万里) 1704-1.ohzatoko.niri-cho.imari-city [MAP] (伊万里市二里町大里甲1704-1) Locations: SSID:forest inn imari Times:unlimited Procedures:there is no setting Tel:0955-23-1001 Multilingual Guidance: Etc. |
Saga / Hotels |